摩洛哥新建批發魚市場開幕摩洛哥國王穆罕默德六世近日為卡薩布蘭卡水產品行銷重整企劃重點工作之一,花費80億美元建造,佔地4.5公頃的新建批發魚市場第一期完工典禮保濕面膜揭幕。企劃內容包括在港口周邊建造批發魚市場、提升市場基礎建設,與建立零售市場網絡技術支援等統整工程。並建造具國際水準的水產品保鮮冷藏與行銷流程電腦化資訊室內裝潢系統設備。批發魚市場將以最合理的價格提供消費者最高品質的水產品,達成提高國內水產品消費量目標。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,1 Nov. 2008)NEW WHOLESALE 租屋網FISH MARKET OPENED IN CASABLANCAKing Mohammed VI inaugurated the first phase of a MAD 70 million (about US$ 8 million)development of wholesale fish 房屋貸款market in Casablanca recently. The project, spanning over 4.5 hectares,is part of the reorganization of fishery products marketing in Casablanca through 好房網a comprehensive andintegrated approach that is based on several projects: constructing a wholesale fish market outside thesurrounding port, upgrading 當鋪marketing infrastructures, and providing technical support for theestablishment of a network of retail markets.Built in conformity with international 租屋quality standards, the facility is equipped with a refrigerationsystem to maintain products quality and an information system to computerize the entire 褐藻醣膠process of fishmarketing.The new wholesale fish market is also aimed to develop domestic consumption of fishery products byproviding consumers with 關鍵字行銷better quality of seafood products at reasonable prices.

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雙胞胎跳幸福的臉雙胞胎跳幸福的臉,室內設計畢業典禮舞蹈表演之一因為雙胞胎格租屋網格已經畢業了,我很擔心她們很快地就九份民宿將舞步忘記了,只好趕緊把舞步錄下來租房子,萬一小一就要才藝表演,剛好可以派信用卡代償上用場. 影片連結小額信貸http://youtu.be/HbeWMR_ngBw

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